Friday, July 15, 2011

Front Porch Vintage Livin'

Some days are irresistible. They call to me by blowing through the screens & making the wind chimes sing. The sun beckons me by splashing shadows across my office. I hear my children laughing madly as they run through the sprinkler and I cannot resist. 

Here's my front porch: antique jar filled with sun tea, cute baby romping around, a comfy place to lounge, egg baskets hanging for decoration & a relaxing view. Enjoy.

One end of our porch, all ready for a nap in the sun

My 2 year old dancing on the porch, note the tomatoes & beans growing behind her

Kid sized Adirondack chairs

View off the porch, our barn hidden behind the oak

Big antique malted milk jar I scored at the thrift store

Egg baskets hanging, Airstream birdhouse from Etsy & sun tea

Another view off the porch


  1. Boy, I would love to spend an afternoon on your porch! Lovely!
    Now I am going outside to fix up my own porch! Thanks for ideas.

  2. looks like a lovely place to spend a summer afternoon.

  3. This really made me want to "foof" my own porch!

  4. Wow! What a lovely spot to enjoy the outdoors! That baby is delicious!
